Politecnico Di Milano
Politecnico Di Milano (POL) is a state-funded scientific-technological university established in 1863 which trains engineers, architects, and industrial designers. POL is one of the leading Italian research centers characterized by the combination of theoretical bases of excellence and first-rate research infrastructures providing the possibility of a wide variety of experimental research.

Manuel Roveri (Senior Member, IEEE) is a Full Professor with the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano. He holds one patent and has published more than 120 articles in international journals and conference proceedings. His research interests include embedded and edge AI, and learning in presence of concept-drift and privacy-preserving machine and deep learning (DL).
Prof. Roveri is the recipient of multiple recognition including bast paper awards at IEEE TNNLS and IEEE CIM. He served as the chair and a member in several IEEE committees and subcommittees and as an Associated Editor for IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TAI, IEEE TETCI, IEEE CIM and Neural Networks.